The Admissions Cycle for the 2025-2026 School Year is Now Open

Primary I March Blogpost

Welcome back to school! We celebrated the culmination of our Human Body unit before Spring Break by visiting Sci-Quest Science Museum.  Thanks to all the parents for driving their children, other children, and the teachers on this trip.

We started our new unit on the Solar System right before Spring Break. Our students are busy bees drawing, painting, and coloring the planets. Along with this unit work, the children are busy with new spring practical life, sensorial, math, and reading work. We are learning the days of the week and practicing small commands in sign language and learning how to tell time.

The kindergarten children started putting their thoughts together and writing and illustrating stories.  It is so wonderful to see them read to the younger children. This inspires the other children to read and write stories, also. The kindergarten students also started using daily contracts.  These contracts help them to manage their time and to finish their work in a day. All of them have been very responsible.

The Multicultural Festival is around the corner.  We are learning about Africa.  We started the study by looking at African flags and maps.  Soon we will be making African masks and will turn our classroom into an African jungle.

Spring is finally here.  A special thanks to Russell Berger for preparing our garden for spring planting.  We have already planted carrots and peas in our garden. Maria Montessori said, “Children are like rose buds.  With proper care and a prepared environment a rose bud will slowly turn into a beautiful flower.” Children are the same way in that in a caring and prepared  environment,  they will turn into a loving, caring, responsible and productive individuals.


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