Elementary II April Blogpost
This week we enjoyed our second visit from Sci-Quest! The children learned about how rainbows are made, explored the refraction of light, and optical illusions. They used colored water to dye gardening crystals and “capture” the colors of rainbow in test tubes.
April is National Poetry Month, so we’re incorporating poetry into our study of adjectives and adverbs. So far, the children have composed their own Haikus and Cinquains. Soon, we’ll be writing Quatrains and free-verse poetry.
Our study of fractions is in full-force. Cooking with your child is a wonderful way to reinforce fractions at home, while at the same time incorporating measurement. The children have worked with equivalent fractions, comparing fractions, and some of them are moving onto simplifying fractions.
Finally, we have two field trips planned for this month. On Thursday, April 10th, we will be visiting Burritt on the Mountain. Permission slips for this field trip went home on Tuesday. On Friday, April 25th, we will be participating in Panoply School Days. I will be sending home permission slips for Panoply next week.
This month will definitely be busy, so be sure to check your child’s yellow folder regularly!
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