Category: Primary

  1. Peacefulness Education and Advocacy

    by: Susie Rogers Hampton Cove Primary Resource found at: As we come to a time of feasting, family, and giving thanks, we place peace at the forefront of our minds. Holidays are an easy time to promote peace; generosity, goodwill, and community tend to be hallmarks of the holiday season. However, peace not only permeates… Continue Reading »
  2. Practical Life

    Practical life…practically amazing I’ve had the wonderful opportunity to work in several Montessori schools across the nation.  One of the most common concerns from parents is…”My child spends too much time in practical life…” What Maria Montessori called the exercises of Practical Life actually help children’s brains develop. With the repetitive movements, the child is… Continue Reading »
  3. Why a Multi-Age Classroom in Montessori?

    In a Montessori classroom, multi-age groupings offer a great range in the social,  intellectual and learning needs among the group of children.  In traditional classroom settings, where children are grouped according a single age or grade, the environment and curricula often reflect the expectation that children’s developmental and academic needs are progressing at the same pace…. Continue Reading »
  4. Primary 1

    Hello parents, I cannot believe it is almost the end of the school year!!  We had a great year!!  We really enjoyed every moment with your children.  Some of you are going to different schools and some of you are graduating and going to first grade. Ms. Alicia, Ms. Carol and I wish them all… Continue Reading »
  5. Primary 3

    Spring is finally here and we have some “egg-citing” days ahead in Primary 3. We are enjoying our study of Africa in preparation for the Multi-Cultural Festival this Saturday, April 4.  You definitely don’t want to miss this fun-filled morning as you take a tour of the continents and learn about the culture, wildlife, art and… Continue Reading »